Welcome to my new blog.

The mission behind this blog is to get y'all to see my process in more ways beyond social media pictures or a video. I want to help you as much as show you my process behind how I wrote or produce records. I want to tell you what inspired me to write my songs. I want to tell you why I made this inflection in my voice saying certain words. There's a true science and method behind these records that a lot of Artists aren't putting into their work. I believe this misguided and loose approach to music is turning the music industry into a game of the lottery where anyone has a chance. I'm appreciative but disappointed with this approach because too many people care about their art for corporations to inject bad messages to the community. 

Expressing thoughts on social media is unreliable, so I'm writing directly to you.

I want you to appreciate art again.

We're here flying together.

Lets get it.

- JZ


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